Saturday, June 19, 2010

Island Life

Well, we've wrapped up week 1 of my 12 week stay in Sigonella, Sicily. I'm exhausted, sunburned and a little cold, but feeling good.

Presently, I'm sitting in the back corner of the lounge/cafe/hangout/one of the few places with internet connection with half the CA people and a couple lingering military guys. If I may divulge, the time difference is a little frustrating, the best times for me to come here to Connections is generally a pretty poor time for people to be online, so that's the real reason why I've resorted to blogging.

For anyone who doesn't know, I'm in Sicily working for a program called Camp Adventure on a U.S. Military base (Sigonella) where college students get sent to international bases were college students are camp counselors for kids whose parents are in the military. They move around every couple years and it's pretty rough on them, the idea being that no matter where they go the camp is the same.

List Time :D
Some things I'm liking about Europe?
1. The euro. Thanks Biniyam Iyob for your lessons on the EU and western world economies. They have not benefited me thus far!
2. The fact that Italians (or maybe all Europeans) can't seem to get their toilet situations together. Every single toilet I've come across has presented a new toilet flushing challenge. For future notice, the norm I've noticed is that Italians (All? Just Southern Italians? All Europeans?) like their seats WIDE and uncomfortable. Ladies? If you feel like you're falling in and peeing on yourself, you probably are (but you're definitely doing it right).
3. The staring! A fun game you can play is the staring contest with an Italian man. You notice him staring at you? Stare back. So far I've found the game unbeatable, but I still try. (Age is not a determining factor, however, there is a positive correlation between age and creepiness of the stare)
4. Cars. Unlike our great American forefathers, the catch phrase of the European auto industry is not "Bigger is Better," or "I NEED MAH MAN TRUCK." I have yet to see someone driving a truck as a personal vehicle.

That's all I can think of... more later?

In more important news, however, I'm having a really hard time keeping my eyes open. So while I have experienced un molto bel giorno, sono stancato e non sento come esso (Thanks, free Italian->English translator!)

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