Monday, July 12, 2010

Taormina, Bar di Turrisi, and Too Hot for FB

If I could spend every weekend of my stay here in Taormina, I would be one happy cookie. Shoot, every weekend of my life? Done. Unfortunately, I still have much more of this island to see, so we'll keep on keepin' on. But Taormina was a breath of fresh air to the somewhat monotonous and exhausting weeks teaching 4 year olds to swim (Swimming, one might be wondering, is NOT screaming bloody murder, sobbing without end, sleeping on the side of the pool, or asking me relentlessly if we can go to the kiddie pool yet).
Taormina is renowned for being most beautiful place in Sicily, and I second that decision without question. Considering the breadth of my travel only reaches from the East Coast to Victoria, Canada, it is the most beautiful place I've ever laid eyes upon. Generally cities are strategically placed on hills in Sicily, since Sicily was used as a key battle location from the Byzantine empire to the Greeks, Arabs and Romans (and now the Mafia). Let it also be known that most often Sicily has better and more intact Greek ruins than the Greeks, and is breathing with more rich and diverse culture than any country you'll find. But don't take my word for it... (Reading Rainbow reference?)
An overview of our luck with public transportation: Took a taxi from Base to the train station. A train from Catania to Giuardi (or something), took a bus from Giuardi Noxes to Taormina middle level (There is a highest peak with the best stuff, a middle level and a bottom level because it is on an enormous hill). Another bus from the middle level to the top. A bus back from the top to the middle. A tram from the middle to the bottom (where the beaches are). The tram back up to the middle. A bus down to Giuardi again. Train to Catania, taxi to base. Solid.

(WARNING: too hot for public consumption. Virgin eyes be wary.)
When we first got to the middle level of Taormina we wandered around seeing all the beauty and asking people if they knew of a "Bar di Turrisi," pointing frantically at our crotches and following blank looks with "sexuale!" Hoping something would catch on. That's right, we were on the hunt for the Penis Bar and wouldn't stop until our quest had been reached. The rumors of penis everything in this Bar di Turrisi (Bars are cafes here, PS) had us too intrigued, so we were lead up to the Castlemore (a gorgeous castle overlooking all of Taormina) and wandered around the town. Once we got up there everyone knew what we were talking about and were directed to our prize, the Penis Bar. It was a little cafe/ristorante cramped with penises, tiny winding staircases, kama sutra-related artwork.

Going up one set of staircases the walls/ceiling were coated in graffiti. Carved into the red paint were names and messages in Italian, giant penis carvings; everyone has to leave their mark.

And this is the part for my boys Brian Westby and Michael Kiso

For every dick drawn on my schoolwork in the last 6 years, for every penis ref
erence, sticky note penis left on my desk while I was away at training, every wonderfully perverted conversation, for every too much information moment and so much more:

I provide you with the knowledge that if you come to Sicily, Italy, go to a city called Taormina, go to the highest peak and find a tiny penis-based restaurant, on the third floor both of your initials are carved into history. Because what better way to preserve your adolescence forever and ever? (Also it was carved with a spoon, so don't judge my dick drawing abilities.)

After the penis bar, we had lunch at my new favorite ristorante: cheap prices, good food, amazing view, music, nice and patient waiters who work really hard to understand what the hell you're talking about when you try to ask if something is toasted (How does one charade toasted? I came close to asking if you could order it en fuego, but who knows how that would've turned out), and one more time for emphasis, the most amazing, beautiful, breathtaking, awe-striking view. Absolute serenity. We hiked around the Castlemore (Cast-a-la-more-ay) and tried without success to take it all in: the beauty of the world laced with how lucky I am.
Annnnnnnd then we bus-ed it down to the middle level, figured out the tram (Which looked similar to what I imagine the love babies of Portland's OHSU tram and the Disneyland teacups ride being). We went to the beach, went cliff jumping (My nose will never forgive me for how much salt water went up it), tramed it back up to the middle level and you know the rest.

Overall day rating: Success.
The Top 5 Top 5 lists started throughout the day-

1. Top 5 Muffin Tops of the day
2. Top 5 Nerdiest Conversations to have

My love for this island, country and experience? Reignited. Bring it on.

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